Archive for August 27, 2007

Catching Up!

I’ve been completely swamped here and the time crunch has impacted my timeliness for posts here. After almost a week of preparing for our big summer party and pulling it off yesterday with more than 50 here, I have quite a bit of clean-up today to prepare for houseguests arriving tomorrow!

So, rather than leave things as they are here, and have nothing new…I’ll post some places where others have written about studies or things I’ve had on my pile to get to, and then, hopefully will be back in full swing before the end of the week!

First up – Dr. Jay Wortman interviewed Gary Taubes about his upcoming book Good Calories Bad Calories, on CKNW. You can hear the broadcast when you register (free) and then head over to the “Audio Vault”…select August 4, 2007 broadcast at 10:00AM.

Jimmy Moore also recently interviewed Gary Taubes about his book, and that interview is here.

Next, Sandy Szwarc at Junkfood Science, wrote an article about Low-Fat is not for Kids; well worth stopping over there for her take on the issue of children and dietary fat.

Dr. Mike Eades wrote about Bantings Letter on Corpulence and then uploaded a free copy of the paper for anyone who wishes to read in its entirety.

Some bloggers are busy folks! Dr. Mary Vernon is one such blogger, and she posts when time allows. She just recently added her take on the New York Times article Looking Past Blood Sugar to Survive with Diabetes last week.

Carol Bardelli (Kudos for Low-Carb) has a great article called Metabolism 101 Part One – Starvation Diets Backfire. Lots of good information and links in that one!

Lastly, Dr. Richard Feinman, PhD from SUNY Downstate Medical Center wrote an article in Diabetes Health to point to the flaws in the article from Hope Warshaw back in May. I wrote about the article here; Dr. Feinman’s article is here. The comments following his article are interesting to read too!

August 27, 2007 at 5:01 pm 8 comments

August 2007
